
Getting married in France - the legal questions

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Which documents do I need to get married in France?

To get married legally in France, first off you’ll need to contact your local Mairie or Town Hall. They will ask you and your partner to provide various documents and might also ask you to come in for an interview either by yourself or as a couple. Although the paperwork required is fairly straightforward, it will still take around 4-6 weeks to process your application so it’s best to apply as soon as possible and to be flexible with dates. NB When applying for a civil wedding ceremony in France, you should expect to pay around €95 in administration fees.

To help you get your application file together, here’s a list of the basic paperwork you’ll need to provide to file your wedding application:

  • ID e.g. your passport
  • A document showing proof of residency in France e.g. a utility bill or a copy of your rental agreement/property deed.
  • Your birth certificate. If your birth certificate was issued in France you will need a copy which is less than 3 months old (available from your local mairie). If your birth certificate was issued abroad, you will need the original plus a certified French translation with an official Apostille stamp.
  • A document showing proof of civil status. You can request a Certificat de Capacité Matrimoniale from your embassy but if you have been married before you will also need to provide a divorce or death certificate.
  • A Certificat de Coutume If you are not French, this certificate is available from your embassy and ensures that your marriage will be equally valid in France and in your home country.
  • A notary certificate This is only required if you also have a prenuptial agreement and will be provided by your notary.
  • A copy of your family record book or livret de famille. This only applies if you are the parent of a child born in France before your wedding.
  • Information about your witnesses. You will need to provide basic information about your witnesses including their names, addresses, place of employment etc.